Online Workshop - From 5 to 75: Lifelong Learning in a Circular Economy

Monday, 27 April 2020
This event is online


For a circular economy to take off, we need to embed circular thinking and skills training within each level of our education system. From elementary school to professional development, and everything in between, this meet-up will share what education professionals are doing now to integrate circular economy in their curriculum. We’ll also discuss what else is needed in Berlin and beyond to strengthen circular economy education.

Networking and community building are cornerstones of Circular Berlin’s meet-ups, and that will remain true as we move to an online format! Following the presentations, we’ll have breakout rooms and facilitated discussion so participants can still get to know one another, exchange ideas, and continue to strengthen this community.

Hosted by Circular Berlin in partnership with TU-Berlin, Zero Waste Your Life, MiFactori, and AMD Berlin).

We'll send you the Zoom link via E-Mail one hour prior to the event.


18.00: Start meeting

18.05: Welcome

18.15: Kreativitätsgrundschule Karlshorst: Circularity in project based elementary school education (Lars Zimmermann and Laura Konieczny, a project conducted by Circular Berlin, Mifactori and Zero Waste Your Life)

18.30: Teaching circular economy to creative practitioners (view through the Upnovation project) (Oliver Peters, AMD Upnovation project)

18.45: Circular economy as a system knowledge and what knowledge-related prerequisites we need for CE (Melanie Jaeger-Erben, TU Berlin)

19.00: Circular economy education for professionals (Natalie Betts and Leon Bucher, Circular Berlin

19.15: Time for questions

19.30: Networking Sessions

20.00: End

The event is free, but we will appreciate donation-based support: